Perfect Comes From Perfect Posted in: Perfection in Seeming Imperfection

If one believes God exists, and God is perfect/all-powerful, one might reason that everything that comes from God must also be perfect. Us and this world included. If that is the case, how then are our lives and this world, along with all of its apparent horrors*, perfect?

To my mind, if everything comes from God, in a sense there is nothing but God. And whether or not we believe in God, whatever we find attractive is therefore nevertheless a facet or aspect of God. A manifestation of God. Belief or non-belief simple flavour our experience.

Analogy: If someone writes and records a song, and you enjoy that recording, you are appreciating them. You may not know them directly, or even want to know them at all, or perhaps you believe the recording is purely AI generated – there is no person or intension behind it, or perhaps you want to know the creator in order to express your gratitude. Regardless, you are appreciating the creator.

I think that life in this world expands ways/perspectives from which to appreciate/experience God. Such a purpose it does perfectly, and therefore I suspect it possible that this is reason, at least in part, for the arrangement.

No matter what some religions preach.

*this situation certainly doesn’t perfectly deliver eternal life, freedom from suffering etc.

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