Perfect And Complete Posted in: Perfection in Seeming Imperfection


God exists. God is perfect and complete. Everything that emanates from God is likewise perfect and complete. Us and this world included. Seeming imperfect/flaw points to misunderstanding of purpose.

How are we and this world perfect?

Possible Purpose:

  • We are all looking at God
  • We are all experiencing God
  • We are all attracted to some aspect or another of God
  • We are all appreciating some facet or another of God
  • All from our individual points of view
    • Sometimes through the lens of atheism
    • Sometimes through the lens of belief in the existence of a God-person
    • Sometimes through the lens of belief in the existence of God-impersonal
    • Through senses and minds appropriate to our current species of life birth
    • Flavoured by association with the modes of material nature
  • God can rightly claim our experiences as his experience by dint of us being his part and parcels
  • Our material situation blinkers and focuses our experiences adding further to their uniqueness
  • Fundamentally our lack omniscience opens the doors to a huge new range of appreciations of God that would otherwise remain out of reach to God (being consciously omniscient).
  • We are all always contributing to the ever expanding completeness of God’s experiential self-knowing regardless of our awareness. However, with the emergence of conscious experience comes the possibility of love offering.
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