Spiritual ABC: Everyone is brother / sister Posted in: Seeing the Divine

How strange it is that cultivation of the sense of ‘other’ is prominent in so many of the religions of the world? Surely understanding that everyone (and I’m not just talking about human beings) and everything comes from God is at the very ABC beginning of spiritual vision? That being the case, we are all family … brothers and sisters so to speak.  No question of ‘other’ simply because someone embraces another faith, or no faith, or they take birth in another species of life, or on another planet 😉

If our religion requires we see non-members of our faith as outside God’s family, we might want to question to what degree it is conducive to our progress on the spiritual path. Of course if one judges this type of seeing as unimportant that is another thing.

For myself, I think one could make a case for some atheists having better spirituality in their outlook than many staunch religionists.



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