Fear and White Lies – Justified? Posted in: Belief and Truth

Given the context that an individual has already freely chosen to embark on the spiritual quest to understand self and God, it may be in the initial stages that their motivation for perseverance comes mainly from fear of failure. And therefore enlightened teachers may speak that language for the sake of helping such neophyte practitioners stay with the plan. And that such preaching may justify the use of white lies because it serves the neophyte in relation to their chosen objective.

For example, the world is exclusively a place of suffering akin to a prison house for the rectification of rebellious sinful envious fallen souls who have been banished here because of their attitude toward God. Failure to utilise the human form of life for the quest of redemption means a wasted human birth.

Such things – personally I feel they no longer serve me to believe.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin (documentary) »