The Right Questions Posted in: Divine Expression, What are we doing here?

Assuming our divinity, it doesn’t seem logical to me that self realisation should be a mysterious process. A process of uncertainty, a process requiring faith/belief in something not known to be true. Not known if we are honest 😉

Neither does it seem reasonable to me that we could be surrounded by universal laws that if transgressed reward punishment regardless of those laws being known or not to us. …

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Lowercase G gods Posted in: Divinity, The Self Divine

I suggest that this is what we are. And that we lowercase ‘G’ gods are simultaneously one with and different from the uppercase ‘G’ God.

‘One with’ in that we are also divine.

‘Different from’ primarily in that we possess the special ability to accept the illusions of the material world as real.

But one should not hurry to judge this ability as some sort of flaw or problem. …

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Against My Will or Role Play? Posted in: Aggressor-Victim, The Self Divine

If we are divine beings/of-god, engineering situations in this world that enable us to experience the tastes we are after, for me that status would seem at odds with anything ever happening against our will. After all, the very notion of expression of divinity, be it collectively or individually, suggests that we are always willing and eager participants.

Yet what about the aggressor/victim scenario? …

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Imagine Religion Without Judgementalism Posted in: Divine Expression, The Self Divine, What are we doing here?

… there would be no prescription/judgement of

  • wrong or right
  • what we should or must do
  • the goal of life
  • the lessons to be learned

… scary or liberating?

I propose that whatever way we choose to express our divinity, that always perfectly fulfills our purpose.

… crazy or profound?

Let me put it another way. It is the choosing more than what we choose that expresses our divinity. …

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There is No Should Posted in: Belief and Truth, The Self Divine

Imagine no religion … or a religion where there is no presumption of a single ultimate goal.

There would be:

  • No context for judgement of good and bad.
  • No context for judgement of sin or piety.
  • No context for judgement of right and wrong, and in fact all the choices we make would be simply regarded as manifestations of our of divinity, regardless of level of self-awareness.
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Always Perfect Posted in: Divinity, Perfection in Seeming Imperfection, The Self Divine

I propose that we are always perfect. Perfect and prefectly situated. Seeming imperfection is always the result of erroneous assumption as to who we are and what we are about. After all we are part of God. We are God in that sense. So how could it be otherwise?

Consider for a moment the case of Dorothy, the sweet and innocent young girl who gets lost in a storm, survives miraculously … only to be pursued by a nightmarish green skinned woman and an army of flying monkeys … wait a minute, isn’t that a film? …

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Death is not the Enemy Posted in: Belief and Truth, Divinity, Perfection in Seeming Imperfection

I propose that death, and for that matter birth, old age and disease as well (sometimes dubbed the fourfold miseries of material existence) are there to serve us. They are there in support of our purpose. Indeed they are necessary to our purpose.

But how? And do they really need to be so extreme and harsh? I propose they are actually no more or less graphic than necessary, in fact just dramatic enough to make entirely believable the notion that we are mortal/temporary, limited … and so on. …

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